About SA meetings

Sexaholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober. Toward this end, SA groups have both open and closed meetings.

Closed meetings are for SA members only, or for those who have a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober.

Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Sexaholic Anonymous’ program of recovery. Nonsexaholics may attend open meetings as observers.


6 pm - 7:00 pm Talk with newcomers, work or help others with step work.

7:00 pm: Meeting

Anglican Church of the Redeemer (In-person meeting) 7pm: 8669 Baypine Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256

The Monday night 7pm meeting is now meeting at the joint location of Anglican Church of the Redeemer and Beth Israel Messianic Synagogue. Please enter through the main door. Take an immediate right and proceed down the hallway past several doors. Turn right into the meeting area.



7 am

The Tuesday Morning Joy of Recovery Group
River City Church (in-person meeting)
near Southpoint.
7950 Belfort Parkway, Jacksonville, FL 32256
Questions, please call: 904-525-7878



12 noon
San Marco

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(in-person meeting)

4087 Hendricks Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32207.
Come up the wheelchair ramp through the side entrance. Take a right go down a short hallway and take a second right. Meeting is in the children's classroom. Please call or text 904-469-8009 if you have trouble finding the location.



6:00 pm - 7:00 pm: Talk with newcomers, work or help others with step work.
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm:
“Basic Text” Meeting
Atlantic Beach

Beaches Vineyard Church (Atlantic Theater) (in-person meeting):
751 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL.
Enter building through doors in picture then go up the stairs which are on the other side of blue wall, and turn to the left at the top of the stairs.



6:00 pm
Orange Park

Grace Episcopal Church (in-person meeting): 245 Kingsley Avenue,  Orange Park, Florida.
The meeting is held in Room 4 of the church office buildings across the road from the main chapel.

Note: No restroom facility is available.

Please contact Dan R. for more information: 904-705-9423.



7:00 pm
Ponte Vedra

Ponte Vedra Area Meeting (Virtual Meeting Until Further Notice):

Due to scheduling conflicts, this meeting will now be a Virtual Meeting until further notice. When we find a place to meet we will let everyone know. Thank you for your patience and understanding. To call in, dial 425-436-6305 followed by the access code: 309688#.



7:30 pm - 8:30 pm:
Atlantic Beach

Beaches Vineyard Church (Atlantic Theater) (in-person meeting):
751 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic Beach, FL.
Enter building through doors in picture then go up the stairs which are on the other side of blue wall, and turn to the left at the top of the stairs.



7:00 am

Friday Morning Early Bird Group
All Souls Anglican Church (in-person meeting)
: 4042 Hartley Road, Jacksonville FL. 32257.
Groups meets in the front lobby. If you have questions please call or text 407-748-0982.



10:00 am

Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church (hybrid meeting): 7860 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville, FL.
Use the Southside service road. Park in the back. Enter through school office gate. Take the sidewalk between the two buildings. Enter Shepard Center through door on left. Turn right. Meeting in conference room on right.
This is a hybrid meeting. To attend by teleconference dial: 425-436-6305 followed by the meeting access code: 309688#.

School Office Gate



4:00 pm

Deermeadows Baptist Church (in-person meeting): 9780 Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville, FL.
The meeting is held in Building B, Room B113.



8:00 pm

Gainesville Community Ministry (in-person meeting): 238 SW 4th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601
Meeting is held in the lobby. Knock on main entrance glass door.

For more information or to connect with members via Whatsapp, click button below.


To find a meeting outside of Jacksonville, Florida click below.